Historical Walking Tour Leiden
Historical Walking Tour Leiden Do you only have a short period of time to visit Holland? Get the most of it and take a guided walking tour. In Leiden with the historical walking tour you visit all the highlights. Leiden still has a lot of its historical...
Culinary Walking Tour Leiden
Culinary Walking Tour Leiden Would you like to discover Leiden? In our opinion Leiden has everything that a city needs. The musea, the cuisine, the cafés and the welcoming attitude of people. Enjoy! Experience all the things that Leiden has to offer? Book a nice...
Guided cycling tour Leiden
Guided cycling tour Leiden Leiden is a university city since 1575. Leiden University is world famous for its renown studies. Languages, Nature and Science, all you want. It also has the Leiden Bio Science Park. In this gathering of companies the focus is on the...